Orthodontics and its myths

A young boy with a smile on his face

Although it's difficult to generalize, since each case has its own specificities, it's no less common for problems related to back teeth to be of prime importance.

Normally, we chew in a precise way: the upper teeth (maxillae) chew on the outside and the lower teeth on the inside.

The jaw thus functions like the lid of a box (the mandible).

Depending on the structure of the upper teeth, the palate may be narrower and smaller than average. If this defect is detected in a child, it is important to correct it, as it indicates an asymmetry (right or left). If left unchecked, it will become more pronounced over time.

Asymmetry is like having one leg shorter than the other. The more time passes, the more this difference becomes a handicap. It's exactly the same for the mouth.

Drawing of a woman seen from behind and in profile

If asymmetry is left unchecked, the problem becomes structural and very complicated to correct. The human body may never be perfectly symmetrical, but the small asymmetries that make it up are no obstacle to its proper functioning. The symmetry of the mouth, however, is crucial. Problems with the back teeth are a typical example: although not serious, they can nevertheless lead to disabling dysfunctions as well as aesthetic discomfort.

What other reasons are there for correcting back teeth?

In an asymmetrical jaw, the mandibular joints are loaded differently, resulting in pain when opening and closing the mouth, as well as clicking and unpleasant noises.

There are many reasons for correcting the position of the back teeth. If there are small overlaps, for example, an operation can be considered. In the case of a hidden tooth, on the other hand, it becomes necessary, not for aesthetic considerations, but because of the structural danger that such a case represents, since it can lead to mastication problems.

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